Member Profile Page
lilyaceae's Profile
Personal InfoFull Name: Lilyan Glaeser
Username: lilyaceae
Member Since: 6/7/2021
Bee SpottingsShowing spottings 1 - 9 of 9 total bee spottings
Date Spotted Spotter Username Title # of Pics Bee Species 5/21/2021 lilyaceae Bumble at Honker Hill 2 Bombus impatiens 6/6/2021 lilyaceae Large bee on porch 2 'A Bee Other than a Bumble Bee or Honey Bee' 6/30/2021 lilyaceae Bumble on another yellow flower 4 Bombus griseocollis 6/30/2021 lilyaceae Bumble on yellow flower 2 Bombus griseocollis 7/6/2021 lilyaceae Two spotted? 1 Bombus bimaculatus 7/24/2021 lilyaceae B. impatiens (probably) 1 Bombus impatiens 3/30/2023 lilyaceae Bumblebee on bluebells 4 Bombus bimaculatus 7/4/2023 lilyaceae Not sure if it is a bumble bee 2 Bombus auricomus 6/25/2021 lilyaceae Bumble on sunflower 4 Bombus impatiens