Member Profile Page
scameron's Profile
Personal InfoFull Name: Sydney Cameron
Username: scameron
Member Since: 10/19/2007
Bee SpottingsShowing spottings 1 - 8 of 8 total bee spottings
Date Spotted Spotter Username Title # of Pics Bee Species 9/30/2022 scameron Meadowbrook 1 6 Bombus pensylvanicus 9/30/2022 scameron Meadowbrook 1 0 Not identified yet 4/9/2023 scameron B. impatiens queen on Rhododendron 3 Bombus impatiens 4/9/2023 scameron Bimaculatus queen flying to Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman's breeches) 2 Bombus bimaculatus 9/24/2023 scameron B. impatiens worker on thistle (Cirsium) 1 Bombus impatiens 9/24/2023 scameron B. pensylvanicus worker on thistle (Cirsium) 2 1 Bombus pensylvanicus 9/24/2023 scameron B. pensylvanicus male on thistle (Cirsium) 2 Bombus pensylvanicus 9/24/2023 scameron B. pensylvanicus worker on thistle (Cirsium) 1 2 Bombus pensylvanicus