Queen: Face and vertex with hairs black, a few yellow hairs intermixed on the vertex and about the bases of the antennae.
Dorsum of thorax entirely covered with rather short, coarse yellow hairs except for a small spot of black hairs on the disc;
pleura covered with yellow hairs to bases of the legs; scutellum entirely yellow. Abdomen with tergite 1 yellow; tergite 2 transversely
banded basally with fringes of yellow hairs, posteriorly with black hairs, the black widest on each side; tergites 3 to 6 black; sternites
with hairs black. Legs with hairs black; corbicular fringes black.
Worker: Marked as the queen, but tergite 2 may be almost entirely covered with yellow-brown hairs.
Male: Compound eyes very large, occupying two-thirds of the width of the head. Vertex and face with numerous yellow hairs;
thorax yellow except for a spot on the disc with black hairs; pleura entirely yellow; abdomen with tergite 1 yellow; tergite 2 yellow-brown
and black, the black widest at the sides; remainder of the tergites black; sternites black. Legs with fringes of yellow hairs on the posterior
margins of the femora. VARIATION: This species varies little. The crescent-shaped band of yellow or yellow-brown hairs on abdominal
tergite 2 may vary in width, but if the band is wide, some black hairs usually persist along the posterio-median margin.