Member Profile Page
twotringas's Profile
Personal InfoFull Name: Barbara Williams
Username: twotringas
Member Since: 7/4/2011
Bee SpottingsShowing spottings 21 - 40 of 823 total bee spottings
Date Spotted Spotter Username Title # of Pics Bee Species 8/22/2011 twotringas fervidus - prairie thistle 1 Bombus fervidus 8/16/2011 twotringas citrinus - severson 1 Bombus citrinus 8/26/2011 twotringas unident - prairie thistle 5 Bombus rufocinctus 8/16/2011 twotringas citrinus - severson 1 Bombus citrinus 8/16/2011 twotringas auricomus - severson 1 Bombus auricomus 6/22/2010 twotringas bimac - NJ Tea 1 Bombus bimaculatus 8/27/2011 twotringas vagans - rosinweed 2 Bombus vagans 8/29/2011 twotringas honeybee - prairie dock 1 Apis mellifera 8/29/2011 twotringas honeybee - goldenrod 1 Apis mellifera 8/29/2011 twotringas honeybee - goldenrod 1 Apis mellifera 7/24/2010 twotringas rufocinctus - mountain mint 1 Bombus rufocinctus 8/31/2011 twotringas honeybee - goldenrod 1 Apis mellifera 9/4/2011 twotringas honeybee - sedum 1 Apis mellifera 9/23/2011 twotringas vagans - new england aster 2 Bombus vagans 9/22/2011 twotringas honey bee - sedum 1 Apis mellifera 9/11/2011 twotringas Vagans - goldenrod 2 Bombus vagans 9/9/2011 twotringas honeybee - Sedum 1 Apis mellifera 9/9/2011 twotringas honeybee - sedum 1 Apis mellifera 9/20/2011 twotringas honeybee - sedum 1 Apis mellifera 9/9/2011 twotringas honeybee - Sedum 1 Apis mellifera