Member Profile Page
knobren's Profile
Personal InfoFull Name: Brenda Rezk
Username: knobren
Member Since: 5/29/2015
Bee SpottingsShowing spottings 161 - 180 of 202 total bee spottings
Date Spotted Spotter Username Title # of Pics Bee Species 6/25/2016 knobren impatiens on hosta 3 Bombus impatiens 6/25/2016 knobren bee on coreopsis 1 Bombus bimaculatus 7/20/2016 knobren gris on milkweed vine 3 Bombus bimaculatus 5/21/2017 knobren impatiens on raspberry 1 Bombus bimaculatus 8/3/2016 knobren porter park 1 Bombus impatiens 8/1/2016 knobren curtis orchard bumble 2 Bombus impatiens 10/3/2016 knobren fervidus on thistle 2 Bombus pensylvanicus 10/3/2016 knobren fervidus on thistle, 2 2 Bombus pensylvanicus 10/3/2016 knobren bee on sidewalk 1 Bombus impatiens 4/17/2017 knobren bumble on cherry 3 Bombus impatiens 5/21/2017 knobren queen impatiens on ground 1 Bombus impatiens 6/22/2017 knobren gris on aster 2 Bombus griseocollis 7/29/2017 knobren black and gold in tree 1 'Indistinguishable from the photos' 6/4/2018 knobren bumble on clover 2 Bombus impatiens 7/15/2017 knobren bumble on mint 1 Bombus citrinus 8/3/2017 knobren black and gold covered in pollen 1 Bombus auricomus 7/24/2017 knobren gris on yellow coneflower 2 Bombus griseocollis 7/15/2017 knobren gris on rose of sharon 1 Bombus griseocollis 8/14/2017 knobren dodd's park 1 Bombus griseocollis 8/26/2017 knobren Porter park 2 Bombus impatiens