
Thank you to everyone who went out spotting bees the weekend of June 22! We are still receiving BeeBlitz spottings, so if you haven't uploaded yours yet, we encourage you to submit your spottings!

Tenth annual BeeBlitz

Join us on Saturday, June 22, 2024 for the tenth annual BeeBlitz!

Get involved: Snap, Upload, Contribute!

Nature lovers and concerned citizens in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio are invited to get outside and snap pictures of honey & bumble bees for BeeBlitz. Then, upload your findings to BeeSpotter, the citizen science project run in collaboration between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Department of Entomology and the Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education.

What is BeeBlitz?

The name BeeBlitz is derived from a BioBlitz, an activity in which all of the biodiversity in a specific area is examined, to provide a snapshot in time of the flora and fauna present. During the BeeBlitz, we seek to know what species of honey & bumble bees are seen, and where they are, on this specific day.

We encourage veteran and aspiring bee spotters alike to venture out on a nature walk and participate in the blitz.

What can YOU do?

All you have to do is go outside on June 22, take a few bee photos, and upload them to BeeSpotter. You don't need to upload them immediately; just be sure to select the correct date when uploading. They will automatically be counted as part of the BeeBlitz collection!

Learn how to get started with BeeSpotter!

We also encourage parks, schools, museums, and zoos to offer BeeBlitz events in as many communities as possible. If you are interested in coordinating a BeeBlitz event in your area, please let us know so we can include your event in our listing! Also, check out our list of Suggested BeeBlitz Gear.

You can help us spread the word about the BeeBlitz by distributing these BeeBlitz announcement fliers to anyone you think might be interested!

BeeBlitz Events

BeeBlitz events are free and open to the public. BeeBlitzing is very informal - feel free to come for the whole time or stop in for only part of the event; we'd love to have you join us, even if only for 20-30 minutes!

If you are coordinating a BeeBlitz event in your area, please let us know so we can include your event in our listing!

  • Events in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois

    6/22/2024 9:00AM - 10:15AM: BeeBlitz at the Pollinatarium

    606 W Windsor Rd, Urbana, IL 61801
    Telephone: (217) 265-8302
    Learn about the Pollinatarium

    Join us at the Pollinatarium to celebrate National Pollinator Week. The University of Illinois Pollinatarium is the first free-standing science center in the nation devoted to flowering plants and their pollinators. It's surrounded by prairie, so it's a great place to spot some bees!

    We will venture out into the fields surrounding the Pollinatarium and photograph honey & bumble bees. Bring your camera or smartphone and get ready to spot some bees!

    6/22/2024 10:30AM - 11:45AM: BeeBlitz at Meadowbrook Park

    Garden Pavilion, Meadowbrook Park
    (Race St. entrance)
    Learn about Meadowbrook Park

    Join us for an excursion to Meadowbrook's Sensory and Herb Gardens, where we always find plenty of busy bees to photograph! Bring your camera or smartphone and get ready to spot some bees!

    View an annotated map of Meadowbrook Park (PDF).

    6/22/2024 12:00PM - 1:30PM: BeeBlitz at the Pollinatarium

    606 W Windsor Rd, Urbana, IL 61801
    Telephone: (217) 265-8302
    Learn about the Pollinatarium

    We will return to the Pollinatarium after Meadowbrook for a water break in the air conditioning. Feel free to bring a lunch and upload your photos to BeeSpotter in the air-conditioned comfort of the Pollinatarium! We may also venture back out into the fields surrounding the Pollinatarium to photograph more honey & bumble bees.

    You do not need to participate in the Meadowbrook outing to join us for this - you can join for as much or as little of the day's activities as you like!

    6/22/2024 1:30PM - 4:30PM: Pollinatarium regular hours

    606 W Windsor Rd, Urbana, IL 61801
    Telephone: (217) 265-8302
    Learn about the Pollinatarium

    Feel free to stop by for the Pollinatarium's regular Saturday hours. You can learn about pollinators and do some bee blitzing on your own in the fields surrounding the Pollinatarium!

Suggested BeeBlitz Gear

While you're out helping to track bee demographics, it's also important to take care of yourself! Here are some things to remember while BeeBlitzing:

  • Water
  • Snacks (trail mix, granola/nut bar, etc.)
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • More water!
  • Long pants
  • Good walking shoes
  • Bug spray
  • Still more water!
  • And of course: a camera or smartphone! (Note: if you're going to be in the field for an extended period of time, you might need a portable battery charger as well)

National Pollinator Week

BeeBlitz is part of National Pollinator Week. Check out their site for pollinator-related activities across the United States.

National Pollinator Week badge

Find out more


If you are interested in coordinating a BeeBlitz event in your area or have questions for us, please contact us; we'd love to highlight your efforts or answer your questions!